Tuesday 12 June 2012

Profile details 2- Smart Card (SIM card)

1. EFPhase (Phase identification) - 3F00/7F20/6FAE

This EF contains information concerning the phase of the SIM.

SIM Phase Coding:
'00': phase 1
'02': phase 2
'03': phase 2 and PROFILE DOWNLOAD required.
All other codings are reserved for specification by ETSI TC SMG. Codings '04' to '0F' indicate that the SIM supports, as a minimum, the mandatory requirements defined in this specification.

This phase identification does not preclude a SIM to support some features of a phase later than the one indicated in EFPhase. For example : if EFPhase is coded '00', it may be assumed by the ME that some Phase 2 or Phase 2+ features are supported by this SIM; if EFPhase is coded '02' or '03', it may be assumed by the ME that some Phase 2+ features are supported by this SIM.

However, the services n°3 (FDN) and/or n°5 (AoC) shall only be allocated and activated in SIMs of phase 2 or later with EFPhase being coded '02' or greater. Similarly, service n°31 (BDN) shall only be allocated and activated in SIMs with EFPhase being coded '03' or greater.

If EFPhase is coded '03' or greater, an ME supporting SIM Application Toolkit shall perform the PROFILE
DOWNLOAD procedure, as defined in TS 11.14 [27].

More details about SIM Phase:

SIM phase details

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