Question: Use java language to write a program that could generate Mother’s Day date of each year. (Mother’s day located on 2nd week of May each year .)
Solution & problem faced:
It’s seems perfect huh?
So let’s run it and
see whether it could work correctly.
Oh my god. It’s failed. My code throw an exception named
NumberFormatException. This exception is throw when execute the line below:
Int year = Integer.parseInt(new String(b).trim());
At first, I thought it was because of I handle the data type
incorrectly. I had a long try and research about it, but still the problem
exist. Why why why? Long time struggle on it and finally I found out this is
due I got the wrong format for the text file encoding.
Path: Right click your .java file in eclipse>Properties>Resources>Text file encoding
Lesson 1: Do pay attention to Text file encoding properties.
Make sure you know what encoding you
would like to use.
Learning Source:
Now I change it back to US-ASC-II . Run my code again and see whether it could
work correctly.
It seems correct right? I got the output. But when you see
into details, you will find out that the date show is incorrect. Mother’s Day
located on April? How come? It should located on May. Here’s come the second
I got no idea how the problem could exist. But I guess it is
because of my default setting for time zone and locale. By try an error, I add
the code below to my program:
calendar.setFirstDayOfWeek (Calendar.MONDAY);
Haha…It’s work finally. This is the output I get:
Final Code: